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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Late Starter But Early Bloomer...

Say what? You can't be both, a later starter and an early bloomer? Can you? Well, why not? Let me explain.

First, it's easier to work backwards. I am like that sometimes. You'll understand why soon. I was an early bloomer. After, my first year of college West Point (WP) allowed women to enter. I'll never forget that WP application on the living room table,  just waiting for me to open it. One look at the application cover, and I knew my waist long blonde hair must go. Me? No way? My dad, a 1953 WP grad, thought I'd be willing to cut my hair? Not.

 Dad was wrong, but mom was right. 

Soon after my first year of college, and that West Point application was still scaring the heck out of me, I got married. I remember my mom's words today, "If you get married, you'll never finish college. A baby will come in no time."

Ya know, moms, mums, mamas, mothers, are always darn right. I know mine was.

Married at 18, first baby at 19. Third baby by 26, Gigi (Grandma Garvin) by 43. So, there I was an early bloomer into motherhood and grandma-hood.

Not one time did I regret those years.

A late starter. Yep, me in a nutshell. Finished college at 47, at 30 became a newspaper columnist in the Washington, D.C., and now dabbling into the world of a romantic novelist. It's an incredible ride so far.

I see life this way. If I had gone to WP, I wouldn't have been married over 40 years, with 3 kiddos and 6 grandchildren. AND if I had finished college in my early 20's, my oldest grand girlie would not have attended my University Maryland graduation.

If you've made it this far reading my first blog, thank you for taking the time to "listen", and hope you'll visit again. And if you love reading, writing, creating, love animals (we have several rescue pups) then we are already friends.

Please let me know you were here, and I'd love to visit your blog too.


University Maryland Graduation with oldest grand girlie.

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